Friday, January 11, 2008

Ten days into the New Year's Resolution and it has been shot at by the enemy. Of course, with this being the third year that I have made this resolution, I feel like I have battled it a little better. Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: I signed the boys up for art yesterday, and when I got home I found out about the music class the university offers. Then I had a dilemma. I would like the boys to have both opportunities, but quiet evenings at home are a must for me to have a quiet life. I tried to come up with several different ways to accomodate the class, but I am just going to have to say no. Now that it is in cyberspace perhaps I will have to say no or eat crow. To work with your hands: Not doing too badly with this part. I am wanting to get out into the garden soon so I can actually plant this year when I am supposed to. And to mind your own business: The house across the street disappeared this week. I didn't even notice until Hubby pointed it out, so maybe I am minding my own business. But now I am wondering what is going to go in there. A couple of houses went in down the road on a lot that I thought couldn't hold more than one house, so now I am wondering...None of my business!

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