Thursday, July 24, 2008

One morning this week while I was outside, I saw Plymouth lay an egg in the goat pen. She was very quiet and still for quite a while and then I heard it land in the manger. Then she cackled up a storm! She cackled so much and so loudly that all of the other chickens and roosters, who were quite a ways away in the coop, started joining her in the broohaha. She stopped and listened to them, and when they stopped sounding off, she started up again until they joined her. This went on for quite a while. I was explaining it to my family at the table, and told them it was like she was telling everyone what a wonderful thing she had done. #1 said, "Of course it is wonderful. She laid an egg." "She does it every day, " I responded. "But it's a miracle, " he replied. Then I started thinking about it. It is a miracle. An everyday miracle, but miraculous none the less. So now I have been thinking about all of the miracles around me...everyone's fingerprint is different, there are no two snowflakes alike, knitting makes clothes and we figured that out, from a seed grows a plant and then food, and so many more. How much we take for granted. Thank you God for not slapping us up side the head to remind us of that. I much prefer a chicken laying an egg and my son telling me it is a miracle.

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