Monday, July 28, 2008

I read a book this weekend. It was Stolen Innocence by Ellissa Wall. She was brought up in the FLDS and was married at age 14 by her first cousin. The wedding was performed by Warren Jeffs. The whole thing is alarming. How this could be happening, now, in this day and age. You would wonder how people could believe this. How can they go along with the lies and, to me, obvious deceitfulness? Yet, they are so brainwashed that they do follow blindly. They sacrifice their children, their property, their lives all in the hope of gaining eternal salvation. I again ask how can God let all of this happen, especially when the people are praying. The whole family prayed so hard that this marriage would not be, but it was allowed. I suppose the answer is that people could have stood up to the issue, but didn't. They were the answers to prayer, but they didn't obey. Then I think about how can you take one of these members and tell them that what they believe is ridiculous, and what I believe isn't. The wisdom of man is foolishness to God, and certainly the wisdom of God is foolishness to man. I do believe in God's wisdom though. --------- Enough heavy stuff. The boys and I are off to pick blueberries.

1 comment:

Carol - Ed Townsend said...

Hi: How did your blueberry picking go? Ken, Annbelle, Kathryn, Ed and I picked about 35 pounds yesterday in the HOT sun. Whew. Traci, we love your BLOG--it is fun when you talk about the goats, thought-provoking when you talk about issues and always loving when you talk about #1 and #2 and your hubby. Love, Carol