Saturday, September 27, 2008

Did you watch the debate last night? We did, the boys and I. My husband can't bring himself to watch such things. However, after I watched some of the remarks after the debate, I wasn't sure if I had seen the same debate as the rest of people. I taught a class yesterday on evaluating viewpoints, and it definitely was something to consider last night. This is all I have to say about the economic issue. (Well, not all I have to say, but all I will say.) If I am overspending, I look at my budget and I stop spending. How in the world do you balance a budget by spending more when you are already spending too much? The government is trying to fix something by using the same faulty strategies that got us here in the first place. ----- The debate ended with a big bang, at least at our house. The kids had gone on to bed about 10:20. The debate ended around 10:40, and I watched a little of the responses. I saw a car drive by from the livingroom window, when I heard a terrible crash. I took off outside, in my pajamas, to see if anyone was hurt. A young guy had taken the curve too fast, his tires were bald, and he went across the road. He tore out FOUR mailboxes and stalled in the middle of the road. My first thought was, "He's drunk. I'm going to lay into him!" Some people nearby stopped to help him get the car off the road. Hubby and I went out to check on him, and he wasn't drunk. He was truly upset and scared. Yes, he had been going too fast, but it seemed to be a case of bad judgment and no one was hurt. So I wasn't as upset then. I was mostly thankful that it didn't happen when the kids were checking the mail. They would have been killed for sure. Then I tried to think what I would do if it were my boys driving. I guess I would react the same as the parents who showed up...give a hug, reassure him, call a tow, apologize to the victims, and let him know he will be paying for it. Now my Saturday includes fixing the mailbox. Yippee.

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