Friday, September 26, 2008

My in-laws were here a couple of weeks ago. One night they took the kids out, and hubby and I got a date. He walked in with his good shirt on, hair fixed, and smelling good. I turned around from the computer, and looked at him. My stomach did a flip. He still gives me that feeling. We met just about 20 years ago; I think next month is the actual anniversary. I was a nanny and he was a student at WVU. We met when the college group from church went to Wendy's after church for a little dinner. He sat cat-a-corner from me, and I thought he was cute, but too quiet. He thought the same of me. Soon we were dating, the first child was named, and our life was planned. A year later we were married. He was romantic, writing letters to me, calling just to talk. He was respectful, asking my Dad for my hand. He was responsible, working to provide for us. He is still all of those things. At I first called him Great One; I still do. He is so good to me. He encourages me, supports me, loves me. Today is his day. Happy Birthday Hubby!

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