Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tonight at dinner, #1 said, "I can't wait for Saturday. I get a phone call, have a game..." "What are you in jail, or something?" I asked. "What do you mean you get a phone call? Are you only allowed one a week?" "The theater will call back on Saturday. Geesh, you're a good mom," he replied. The boys tried out for a local community theater last night. They are producing Anne of Green Gables. #1 wanted to do it, and then when auditions came Monday, he backed out. Last night was the last chance. After a phone call from friends saying they needed boys for parts, he decided he wanted to do it. #2 also decided to do it; he wants to help with the stage crew. Evidently that won't happen though. I guess they only let 13 year olds do that. #2 was disappointed; he wanted to wear a black jumpsuit and was hoping for a black ski mask. -------- We finished the square dance co-op today. The kids really learned a lot about square dancing these two months. They did a new dance today, and they picked up on it right away. We are having a barn dance and weenie roast in a couple of weeks with all of the families. After co-op we headed to the fairgrounds so the kids could turn in their exhibits. #1 is showing two paintings, a pottery vase, and from scratch brownies. #2 has pears, a papercraft centerpiece, pottery, and a recycled project. He made a denim bag for his cousin, Lulu. It will be her Christmas present, and maybe a blue ribbon one at that. I had thought about putting in a couple of things, but time ran out on me. The same thing happened last year. I guess I need to think farther ahead, and remember what a busy time of year this is for us. Tomorrow is regular co-op; the first one for the fall. I am teaching a class on evaluating viewpoints. We are looking at documents from our country's history, and evaluating them from other perspectives. I'm looking forward to it. #2 asked me last night if I could teach him the class on his own time, (He has other classes to attend.) because he wants to learn to be a good arguer. He thinks he might like to be a lawyer, or an abstract artist. I think he better go for the lawyer, and then buy the art.

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