Tuesday, September 02, 2008

It is 6:30 in the evening and I am just getting on to the computer today! Actually that isn't quite true. I was on the computer at 6:30 this morning, but that was to finish lesson plans for the month. I didn't get as much done last night as I had hoped, so I had to catch up this morning. Then the boys had to start right away, because we had to be out a lot today. That meant I had to help with Math and give a Bible quiz, and miss breakfast! We headed out to the store to get a few things for co-op and then headed to an early 4-H meeting that included a Little Caesar's lunch. We finished the 4-H meeting just in time to set up for Geography Co-op. Co-op ended with a speaker from the university. We asked a Chinese student to come share about his homeland. It was interesting to listen to him. He has great pride in what his country has accomplished in the last decade, but he is still hurt by how it was before. His remark to me and another mother afterward was, "What you hear about China is not true." Yes, there are people there with a lot of money, but there are still a lot of people who live on less than a dollar a day. That, he said, is not getting out to the rest of the world. Our lesson on Communism and the USSR seemed to go well. I used an illustration of government being an umbrella. Each country had it's own umbrella, but they stood under the larger umbrella of the USSR. How you came to be under the umbrella was the bad part. Twisted arms do not hold umbrellas well. Having the speaker and the lesson only made me happy to be here. The sad part is that I am only here by accident. How many people are hurting this very day because they were born in the wrong place to the wrong people?

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