Thursday, September 18, 2008

Where has time gone? We have been having arguments with Embarq and finally just cancelled our service. It was a bit unwanted on my part as it means that I have to join the 21st century. Yes, I now have a cell phone. We will not have a house phone starting tomorrow. The internet issue is still being worked out, so don't expect much from the blogger girl for a while.
We went on a trip with our 4-H club this week. We went to the National Battlefield in Petersburg and took several classes. The kids were able to do a lot of hands on activities and it was really interesting. Dressing up like a soldier and shooting pretend cannons does a lot to bring history to life. Then we went to Williamsburg for the night. Tuesday we got up and went to Hampton to the Air and Space Museum. The kids had several classes there as well. We also went to see an IMAX movie, Fighter Pilot. It was very definitely a "boy field trip." The girls had fun, too, though. 
We got back only to find that Embarq was still making mistakes and spent the next couple of days trying to work it all out. I am looking forward to a weekend at home.

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