Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I think Part Two has to wait for a Preface first. I suppose I should have started the whole story with the Preface, but I'm doing this by the seat of my pants. Anyway, Part One said that I am thinking about my life and what I want to do with the rest of it. Here's the Preface. I absolutely love children. I love teaching, nurturing, talking, playing, guiding, and anything else you do with children. So I know that I want to help children in some way. I have known children from very poor circumstances, from abusive situations, from just neglectful homes. I have known children from well-to-do families, well-loved children, and well-educated children. But all of these children were children I enjoyed knowing. As I started thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life, I of course thought about children. I was trained as a teacher, worked as a teacher before the children were born, and of course am now a homeschool teacher. However, I can't see myself going back into the classroom. There are just too many ways that the classroom has changed. A couple of years ago, I had thought about running for the Board of Education, but a friend told me no one would vote for me since I homeschool. My husband suggested speaking for continuing ed. functions/workshops. I don't think I would be asked with the background I have. Then I started thinking about law school. I thought if I have a law degree, then I might be able to help children as a lawyer, and also be able to get into politics. (This is where Part One should have come.) I also started having conversations with people that turned toward careers. As one friend said, "Life is too short to just work a job. You have to love what you are doing." So the question became, what do I want to do, that will pay me so I can help our family, that I will enjoy doing, and that will help children.

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