Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Yesterday I was walking by the back door when #2 showed up with something to show me. In his hands was a small, furry animal. I thought maybe he had caught a mouse, but instead it was a mole. I had seen the dog earlier with the mole, so I supposed it was dead. No, it was alive and twitching its nose all around. Also yesterday #2 caught a cricket and a fly. He was asking me if the mole dies can he cut it apart and reassemble its skeleton. He also wanted to make something out of the skin; moleskin being so soft, you know. In the afternoon, the kids dug a hole for it to "nap" in. "That kid has to grow up to be a doctor," I told his father at dinner. "No way!" "Why?" "He'll be some kind of mad scientist and try to do experiments on people." Or on himself I continued, he tried sewing his fingers together recently, just to see if he could attach his fingers to each other. (If you notice, it is all of the scary stories or really outrageous stories that involve #2. That is why there isn't a #3.)
Today we head to the beach. The weather is supposed to be mild. This is the second annual December Beach Trip. A friend and I went last year and decided it has to be a tradition. During the hectic month of December you need a day to stop and relax. This is our day. The 5 kids go as well, but they run around and leave us alone. They will be digging and throwing frisbee, that sort of thing. Gotta run and pack a picnic. Bet none of you in WV are saying that!

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