Sunday, December 21, 2008

On The Seventh Day, Part Two

I have a friend in TX who says that God doesn't let women do much on Sunday mornings because it makes the men get up and take charge like they should. I disagree with that. If God wants the men to do something, I think he expects them to "take charge" all week. It is like in Revelation when God tells the Laodicean church that they are neither hot nor cold, and He will spit them out. Men who only do their part on Sundays will be spit out in my opinion. My mother-in-law likes that our religious tradition puts men in charge. She believes kids need to see men in charge more often, since they are coming from female homes these days. But I wonder what it says to the girls who are at church? Men can run things and tell you what to do, but come Monday you better expect to get your work gloves on. I know there are passages in Scripture that say a woman should keep quiet and ask a man if she has any questions. There is another that states women are not permitted to teach. I don't want to go against what God may have decided especially for women. And I don't want anyone to think that I am angry about the way I have been treated or ignored. What I want to say is that my God did not treat me the way that women are treated on Sundays. He did not ignore me, expect less from me, or consider me incapable or inept. My Lord created me the same as He did the men. My Lord asked for my worship, the same as He did the men. My Lord died on the cross for me, the same as He did for the men. What I want is to be treated as Christ treated me, no matter what day of the week it is.

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