Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We were reading on Sunday about how Solomon enslaved the people of the region to build the temple and his palace. There were people that he paid to do the intricate details, but the grunt work was done by the slaves. You might think that with the Hebrew history of enslavement, he wouldn't have done such a thing. But I wondered if it wasn't what they deserved. They were supposed to have been killed when the Israelites entered the land, and they didn't kill them all. So isn't enslavement better than death? If the slaves were treated as they were to be by law, then it wouldn't have been a horrible life. Certainly it wasn't as wonderful as a free life, but still it would have been acceptable. I'm sure that sounds harsh, but haven't we done the same thing here in America? We have taken the grunt work and given it to the people who don't belong here. Illegal immigrants take the jobs that we don't want, and though we pay them, it isn't any where near what they would make doing the same job legally. They can't get anywhere, financially speaking, in this country while they are illegal, and yet we are willing to look the other way because we don't want to do the job. Is enslavement still better than death? It still isn't as wonderful as freedom, but is it still acceptable? It is strange how putting it into today's terms changes how it sounds. I watched a movie yesterday called Steal A Pencil For Me. It was a love story/documentary of a couple during the Holocaust. They were from the Netherlands. It was interesting to listen to them tell the story of how life changed. First they were not allowed to shop when everyone else was, then they were given a curfew, then they had to wear the star, then they had to give up their radios and cars, then no bikes...on and on it went. Each step they accepted thinking that it would be the last. Even when they went away to the first camp, it was accepted because "we will go home again soon." So it would seem that even those within the enslavement can find a way to convince themselves that it is ok. Interesting. ----------- #2 seems to be having another outbreak of poison ivy. I am not sure if he completely recovered the first time. He hasn't been out in anything that would have given it to him again, so it must still be from the last time. He told me a few days ago that his legs were still in a rash. Then yesterday I caught him scratching his legs. I looked and it is definitely coming back. I hit him with Caladryl and Benedryl, so hopefully we can keep it under control this time. #1 was complaining of wheezing yesterday, so he got the Benedryl too. They are both still in bed.

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