Monday, March 31, 2008

I was so tired last night I fell asleep for an hour with a cold pack on my back! I am stiff this morning so we are heading to the pool. If that doesn't loosen it up, I guess I am also on the way to the chiropractor. I heard a funny exchange the other day at the field trip. #2 was talking to a friend about his email, and told his friend that he isn't allowed on the computer or to watch tv in the morning when he gets up. "Wow. That's really weird," said the friend. "Yeah," replied #2. Now what in the world is so weird about that?! I would think that most kids aren't allowed to do that before school- they are getting ready for school. Homeschoolers are so in the dark! Speaking of homeschoolers...I finished lesson plans yesterday for the rest of the school year!!!!! We will finish at the end of April. For the most part we will be done after testing on the 16th, but there are a few loose ends to wrap up. Also we will try a couple of field trips, but that never seems to count to the boys as school. The rain just keeps falling. It is a good thing. God bless the rain.

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