Monday, April 28, 2008

I was madder than a hornet last night. I am calmer this morning, but still irritated. The woman I bought the goats through is lying through her teeth about the deal. Now I have to decide whether to give her the babies back or complete the deal as it was made. I am leaning toward completing the deal. There was no written contract, she has no proof of anything, and she lied to the wrong person. However, I am wondering about her future relationship with Christ. She knows I am a Christian, and she obviously isn't from other things I found out the day I met her. I wonder if this will taint her so that she will never look to Christ or will she see it later as my honesty and her greed and look for her Savior in that. --------- Today is the first day of summer vacation. Friday we had a surprise swim party for the boys with some of their friends. We took them to lunch and then met at the pool. Afterward I took them on the church camping trip. I told them happy end of school, and #1 said, "And to our teacher, too." Yes, the teacher is happy school is out, too!

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