Friday, April 18, 2008

What a week! On Sunday I wasn't looking forward to it, and at the end of the week I have to say it was great, but I don't want to do it again any time soon. Testing every morning, visiting lots of friends, taking care of the "extra" kids, and working on 4-H projects. Today I will have several projects to get done, but it is all at home and there won't be any visitors. The boys think testing went well. We'll find out in about a month. I really don't care if they bomb the whole thing, but grammar HAS to be better this year. We spent a couple of weeks before the test reviewing grammar. The talent show Monday evening was a lesson in losing. The boys think I am terrible for putting them in something that they will lose. It was a long talk about how you lose if you don't enter and sometimes you win if you enter, but you never win if you don't enter. They don't like those mother talks. I finished the book The Glass Castle. It certainly made me thankful for the family I have. This is a very dysfunctional family, but the book ends with them all being happy about their dysfunctionality. I guess if you don't know normal then it isn't so bad not to be normal. Another friend is reading the book, and she said it is like a car wreck and you just can't look away. I agree.

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