Saturday, April 19, 2008

Our cat Pete went missing yesterday. Hubby said he supposed it was about time. We never keep cats very long. Tiger was the longest at just over a year. We like Pete. He was abandoned by the family that moved their house from across the road. He loves attention and is very gentle, unlike Leo. I went through the boys' clothing yesterday to get out summer things and to pass along the outgrown stuff. There were also 13 pair of size 12 pants that I weeded through. #1 is in a 16 now and #2 won't be in a 12 for a while, but I don't think he will need that many pair of 12s. I put the bags of clothes in the van last night before settling down for the night. When I opened the hatch I heard a pensive, "Meow." Pete had been stuck in the van! I have no idea when he got in there. I opened the van door once yesterday to get out my sunglasses. I can't imagine he got in then, so it must have been about noon the day before when we got home from our errands. I didn't smell anything horrible, so I am hoping he didn't do anything in there. ----------- Hubby is reading The Glass Castle now. I think all of my descriptions and gasps had him intrigued. Last night he was laughing over the gypsy neighbors. When they lived in Phoenix they had "weird neighbors." I'm sure that's what the neighbors thought, too. Anyway some of the gypsies stole their pogo stick. They tried to get it back, but the gypsies put a curse on them with a dead chicken. So the mother went over and waved a ham bone at them and put a curse back on them. The pogo stick was back the next day.

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