Sunday, April 20, 2008

We went to see Expelled yesterday. The boys mostly didn't understand it because we haven't really discussed the topic before. The movie is a documentary by Ben Stein about scientists in America losing their jobs when they discuss Intelligent Design. Stein does a good job of exploring the real issue...Is it a religion issue? Is it a scientific issue? Is it a freedom issue? Just what is the issue? It would appear that the issue is an absence of freedom to explore all possibilities. The scientists are free to explore evolution and Darwinism, but not to explore the idea that there may have been a guiding hand in the creation of life. It was shocking to hear the head of the science department of the European Union say that there is more freedom in Poland to explore this topic than there is in the USA. The last part of the movie explores what the significance of this is, what could happen if ID is not an option. Stein goes back to Europe, especially Germany, pre-WW2. As life no longer had a meaning or value, it was easily put aside. First the mentally handicapped and then the insane were euthanised. Those who could not add to the gene pool in positive ways were forcibly sterilized. And ultimately, a race that was seen as inferior was nearly anihilated. A thought provoking movie...and full of hidden symbolism and cartoon wisdom. Go see it.

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