Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last night was the 4-H club sponsored talent show. The state project this year is to be an artistic theme, and so the kids decided to sponsor a talent show for the homeschool group. #1 entered two pictures from the art class he took in co-op. He didn't win, but I do really like his paintings. I have seen a lot of improvement in his abilities this year. I wonder if the teacher at the university is helping. #2 gave a demonstration on cooking an omelette. He is such a chatterbox. He didn't have any trouble talking while he cooked, and took first prize in his category. He is planning on doing the same for his presentation next month for the county presentation contest. The talent show seemed to be a success, so now we have to write it all up, add the photos and other stuff, and hand it in. One mother said we aren't doing the state project next year. She says that every year. I thought this was a whole lot easier than the backyard habitat last year. ---------- The last couple of days have been concerned with insurance. The cost of what we have is going up again. I started looking a couple of months ago for other options, since it does always go up. Finally, yesterday, we got paperwork back and hubby was denied. It is so frustrating that he gets denials when nothing is really wrong. His liver functions are elevated sometimes, as are his mother's, but nothing ever happens because of it. We are a family that rarely goes to the doctor, works out at the gym, eats great, takes no medications, doesn't smoke or drink, and yet we can't get affordable insurance. Frustrating. There was a story on CNN yesterday and they said middle income is 25,000 to 50,000. That would mean that we are upper middle class. Stunning.

1 comment:

Arlene Kasselman said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your comment. I think joy is the key.