Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My decision is to mail her a check and a very nice note completely ignoring her lies, and continue the deal as it was made. The burden of proof would be on her, and I have the goats. Just hope she isn't a really mean lady...I am imagining hang up calls, stalkings that end in goat thievery, etc. --------- Hubby and I had a nice date last night. The people I work for got tickets for us to attend a Garrison Keillor show. They were good seats, dead center in the balcony. The opening act was a NC band called Molasses Creek. They finished with a funny song about "nature people" that had a chorus of, "I cried bottled water tears over you." Keillor was great. He doesn't seem to have any notes, though he does look at his hand a lot, and he talks the whole time. He was on stage about 2 hours. He shared some childhood memories, some commentary, some recitations of poetry, and sang with us. It was a much later night than I expected. Afterward I had to pick up the kids from a friend's house, so I got home about 11:30. ---------- I tried milking Mary this morning. She went right in the pen and up onto the stanchion. Then when I tried to milk her, she stamped and snorted and jumped! It will take several days to get her used to it, so I guess we will have to buy milk again this week. Afterward, I was petting Fay and touching her so she will get used to it. She was very calm and I looked at her head to see that she had her head in the bucket and was slurping up what little milk I had gotten from Mary. I'll have to keep an eye on her and the bucket!

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