Monday, April 14, 2008

What a wonderful weekend! My parents got here Thursday evening and we got to spend some time with them. My dad mowed the lawn while Mom and I took the boys to co-op on Friday. Then we picked up some little friends and went to dinner and then the show. It was #1's moment to shine as the university put on a play called All Aboard, America! Part of the show was his story about being a cabin boy for Blackbeard. He had his picture taken with the cast, and his name was up on the screen when his part of the play was going on. His daddy said that in his unbiased opinion, #1's story was the best. My parents left Saturday before the big surprise of a litter of triplet goats! The mother was acting odd about 7:00 and I went out at 9 to check on her. There was the last one being born. There are two girls and a boy just as perfect as they can be. These are dwarf goats, so the babies are about 4 inches tall at the shoulders. Sunday, Hubby's parents came up for church and we had lunch here at the house. That way we could visit a while before they took off North. Then in the evening friends from Ohio came over to visit, as well as some other mutual friends. It was a long day, but lots of fun. Today the boys started their standardized testing. We test with a group of homeschoolers, and my kids think it is lots of fun. It's a chance to have snacks and visit with their friends in their eyes. The testing is just something they do as an aside. Hoping the best for the Grammar scores. We have worked hard on that this year. I am proctoring the 9-10 graders for the test, and I am liking it. I have always done the Kindergarteners in the past. Procotoring high schoolers gives me the time to read a bit during the test. I am currently reading Soul Salsa and The Glass Castle. They are two very, very different books, but I like both. More about them later. Tonight is a talent show with 4-H. The boys are reading some of their poetry. #1 has really gotten into haiku lately. I was trying to explain limericks this afternoon, but I think we better stay away from them.

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