Tuesday, February 24, 2009

4-H and Give 2 the Troops

This morning we will spend several hours working as volunteers at Give 2 the Troops. This is an organization that sends packages to soldiers who are deployed. The soldiers are allowed to ask for particular items, but sometimes they just ask to be remembered. Each family in our 4-H club has been preparing items to donate that represent the head, heart, hands, and health of 4-H. Our family is donating books, Valentine candy, emory boards, and medicine and hygiene products. We have also written a letter of encouragement and thanks to the soldiers. No matter what you think of the war, people are involved in it. It just seems right to send a little love their way. Inside each box, at least 20 hand made cards are sent as well. The soldiers say these are the best part of the package, because they know someone cares. If you would like to make some cards while you are watching tv or just want to do a little nice deed, make some cards and give them to me. I will make sure they get into the packages that are sent out every week. The cards should not have your last name or address on them, but otherwise whatever you want to say to express your thanks is appropriate. Often the soldiers ask for school supplies to help the local children where they are. Some have asked for shoes for the kids there. These guys and gals are definitely going beyond their job description. Don't they deserve a little of your time and appreciation?

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