Friday, February 27, 2009


Yesterday I had to clean out the attic so that boards could be taken up and wires to the kitchen and hallway laid. So I handed things down to my boys and asked them to pile the things in my room against the wall. After quite a while I could tell that there were some things not against the wall, but I was in the attic and couldn't see the extent of the damage. When Hubby came home, he noticed right away. "What in the world happened?!" It seems that our children think we have super powers. We evidently never need to sleep or go to the bathroom! There were boxes and articles everywhere. So yesterday was spent cleaning up the mess. Today will be spent cleaning up the mess that was made by the mess. Does that make sense? Because of the first mess, I had to go through stuff and sort...dump, Goodwill, friend, etc. Now there are piles all over waiting to be moved. There is also the diningroom table to look at. We had a file cabinet in the attic. In order to get it down, we had to remove the files. So now I have to go through all of those papers to see what we can get rid of. I actually started that yesterday, but the shredder broke as we were getting rid of old papers. So now in my diningroom there is a broken shredder lying in disarray surrounded by a multitude of papers and tiny shreds of paper. No one would ever thing to rob us; it looks very dangerous to enter our house! See there is something good in everything. I just hope the company that is coming tomorrow sees it that way!! ---------- #1 and I were washing dishes Wednesday evening after church. It was late, and I was tired. He needed to put away the blender, but didn't know where it goes. I told him (for at least the tenth time- no exaggeration), but noticed that he was putting it away without assembling it. I told him to first put it together. "I don't know how." Now, honestly, he has to do this about once every other week. He is not a stupid child. I just don't get it. So I go to him and once again show how to assemble the blender. "How many times do I have to show you this?" A few minutes later as he dried some dishes, #1 quietly says, "I'm sorry I was born to you." "What?" "You should have had a girl so she would know how to do these things." I laughed. "Girls are not born knowing how to do this. They have to be taught. Are you teachable?" "I think so." "Then we're fine." But then yesterday I asked him to vacuum the rugs and then leave out the vacuum. "I want to vacuum the hallway." "Huh," he responds. "I didn't know you could vacuum wood." I have only done this ten thousand times in front of him! There is an obvious difference in the observation skills of males and females. Maybe I was wrong about the blender.

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