Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Town Meetings and Tables

I went to a "Listening Meeting" last night with the Board of Education. There are a lot of changes occuring in our county, and the Board wants to hear what citizens think about possible changes. Mostly people are upset. There are several schools still functioning as K-8 schools, and that is one of the changes. They are wanting to go to a Middle School configuration of 6-8. It was interesting to listen to why parents want K-8. It actually sounded a lot like home schoolers. They like having the different ages helping each other. It makes the kids more responsible and kind. Families stay together longer. There is more of a community feel. I tell you, these parents don't want to give it up. I may write a letter to the Board; I'm still undecided.
If you happen to be a homeschooler then the following will not phase you a bit. If you aren't a homeschooler, then grab your hat for this:This is my kitchen table.It is filled with piles of papers that need filing, an unwatered plant, coupons for saving money, clothes that have been outgrown and need passed along, various other sundries, and rodent bones. Yes rodent bones.This was a biology lesson for #2 a couple of weeks ago. He was to dissect owl pellets and see what bones could be found in the pellets. He found a teeny tiny skull, along with a bunch of other bones. He separated them out into groups and identified them on the chart.
I thought that was the end of the lesson, and started to throw away the bones. No. He put them in a bag and hid them for safe keeping. Just what exactly he thinks will happen to them I don't know, but if any robbers come looking I can tell you where they are hidden.

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