Monday, February 16, 2009

To Each His Own

Saturday we went to a Valentine's dinner at church with about 8 other couples. We had a good time visiting with each other, eating good food, and playing a version of the NewlyWed Game. Afterward, several of us were talking about the answers to the game. We discovered that each family runs things a bit differently. My Hubby does 0% of the housework, while other husbands do 40%, or even 70-75% as one couple said. This doesn't bother me, nor does it bother Hubby haha, but it had me wondering why it is that way. My father never did housework, and Hubby's dad didn't either. So I guess we started out doing what we knew. I wonder though how it will go for my boys. I do expect them to help at home, and they are being taught how to help, so maybe what they see and what happens when they marry will be two different things. The other thing I noticed after dinner was that I told Hubby I wouldn't work after #2 came along. Some people took that as I was being bossy, but I don't remember how it happened. Hubby was working a night time job, going to two seminaries in two different states, and preaching on weekends. I was tired of being a single working parent, and said I was quitting. Hubby agreed, and that was that. As for how we got to the current situation, I'm not sure. Life just seemed to hand us things and we went on with life. It was Hubby's idea to home school. I have worked odd jobs since about 7 years ago. Hubby never complains about the dirt in the house. It works for us. It might not for you. But then, he's MY Valentine, not yours. And I LOVE HIM!!

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