Sunday, February 08, 2009

Catching Up

Well it has been a few days since I contacted the blog world. I have been a little indisposed. Thursday ended up being a very busy day with lots of running. I did manage to get the items to the pantry, and then even made it to Give 2 the Troops. Another friend was there working and she asked me to go to dinner with her. So I took the kids home, threw a pizza on the table at Hubby, took the boys over to the friend's house, and then left with her for dinner. We had a super dinner at Outback, and enjoyed talking to another big person. I saw a full moon this evening and wondered if that was what was going on last week. Kids all over the county were driving their parents nuts. Friday we went to the library book sale, and then spent the rest of the day looking for a particular teacher's manual. I found a few text books at the sale, but I had to buy manuals online. It was a good deal none-the-less, and we headed back this afternoon for the bag sale. You fill a bag for $5. We were filling up for the soldiers. Our state 4-H project for the club is to pack boxes for the soldiers with things that help the soldiers' heads, hearts, hands, and health. I thought a bunch of books filled the head bill. Saturday I went to Raleigh for a 4-H Volunteers' Conference. It was a very long day- leaving the house at 6 am and returning at 9 pm- but it was fairly good. I went to a great class on poultry. I'll share more of that another time, but prepare yourself. You will learn more about chickens than you ever thought you wanted to know. Today #2 and I went to the new neighborhood to sell eggs. I had 9 dozen to get rid of. We sold them for $2 a dozen if you don't keep the carton, $2.50 if you do. We were able to sell all of the eggs. There were a few weird questions, and one woman was very concerned about finding a chick in her egg. She may not buy anymore if she ends up with a blood spot on an egg. Another woman was very excited. She remembered that we took eggs to them when they moved in a year or more ago. She said her son still says those were the best eggs he ever ate. Last of the Big News: #2 won fifth place for his pillows at the Unnatural Resources Fair. #1 got the part of the Sandman in the play. I don't know how big a part that is. The first practice is tomorrow night. Guess I'll know then.

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