Sunday, February 15, 2009

God and Chickens, Again

On Friday, I took my two boys and a buddy to ask businesses for participatory gifts for a talent show we are producing this week. We also bought a few things at Dollar Tree to put in the goody bags. As we were walking into the store, three other people were walking in and held the door for us. I heard one of the women say, "That's a lime green shirt." As we walked in and started to look around, the three came up to me and asked if we could talk a minute. I said sure. They explained that they were on a treasure hunt, and they had asked God to show them the treasure. They wrote down different words that they felt God was giving them, and then they went in search of those things. One had written Dollar Tree, another lime green shirt (#2 had one on), another wrote shorts (#1 had those on), they had written parking lot (which is where we met), and finally they had written green eyes (both my boys have green eyes!). On top of that #1 had on a WV sweatshirt, and one of the ladies is from Fairmont, WV. So they asked if there was anything that we needed to pray about, feeling that my boys were the answer to their treasure hunt. I had just received that morning an email from two of their little friends- an uncommon occurence- that they would like prayers because they lost their great grandmother last week. So we prayed in Dollar Tree, and my boys were thrilled to learn that they are God's Treasures. God sure is cool. ---------- This afternoon, Hubby was working in the back yard when a car slowly drove up our lane. It turned around at the neighbor's house, and slowly drove back down toward our house. Then they rolled down the window, turned a bag out of the window, and dumped a chicken out! Yes, you read that right, they dumped a chicken off! Then they just drove off; it was like some people drop off cats. It looks to be about a month old, and it is friendly. I imagine someone had an egg project and then didn't know what to do with the chicken later. My stories just get better the longer I live here! By the way, we sold two goats this past week. I guess my sign works.

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