Sunday, February 01, 2009


We went to see a show at the university on Friday. It was a juggling, comedy act. We enjoyed seeing something a little different. It was a two man act, and they were really good. They also brought up 4 kids from the audience to tell jokes. One kid's joke was this...Why is six afraid of seven? Because 8-9-10. Of course it is supposed to be because 7-ate-9, so the guy asked the kid if he wanted to try again. Yes. Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 8-9-10. He told it the same way!! It actually was funny.
My three handsome men waiting at the theater... #2 wantd to wear a tie. He got one out of his dad's cache. He and I learned to tie it by reading his book, The Everything Boys Book.

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