Monday, March 02, 2009


The following list is my attempt to show God's blessings in my life. I do not make the list to brag about what I have been given, but to praise my Father in Heaven. For each of the following remarks I know a person or people who have not received that blessing. I don't know why they haven't. I only know this is an imperfect world, and each person is asked to live within the boundaries he or she has been placed. I can grow hair. I can move, walk, write, talk, and use my body in many ways. I have been blessed with children. Healthy, smart, beautiful, good children whom I had been told I likely wouldn't have. I was raised by loving, sober parents who taught me about Jesus and God. I was never harmed by my parents. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins were important, positive people in my life. My husband enjoyed the same relationship with his family. Our marriage has greatly benefited from this. My husband has never harmed me nor called me horrible things. My husband has treated me with respect and love, always. My husband refuses to leave me, and is still in this world to help me and encourage me. I live in a house. A house that has heat, electricity, indoor plumbing, and running water. My house has a bed for me, many modern devices, and is in a safe neighborhood. I can pay for my house. Both my husband and I have jobs that are steady. I have all of the clothes I need. When it is cold outside I can still be comfortable. I own a vehicle. It works...really well. I was born healthy and capable of learning. I excelled in school. I received a high school and college education. I am able to continue my studies. No one in my family has tried to take advantage of me financially. No one in my family practices witchcraft. No one is a drunk or has placed my children in harm's way. There are so many blessings that I don't even recognize because I have no idea that others don't live this way. I don't know why God has blessed me these ways. I don't understand why others aren't blessed. I do know that more is required of me because of my blessings. Thank you Father for trusting me with these blessings and with the responsibility to be you to those around me. I ask for sight to see those in need of your blessing and for a heart that gives your love.

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