Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Goat Saga

So yesterday when I updated everything seemed right with the world. By afternoon it had turned dark again. Manly was found limp in the feed bucket. Soon his neck twisted and wouldn't come back where it belonged. I gave him 3 cc of vitamin B, since that was what we did a couple of years ago with a goat with a similiar symptom. He only continued to go downhill. I honestly expected him to be dead in a matter of minutes. After about an hour I put him with his mother and went on about my day. I checked on him several times, always expecting death. By dinnertime, he was very hot and panting hard. He had lost fluids and his neck was terribly turned. When we returned at about 8:30 p.m., he was still not doing well at all. I went outside this morning to bury goats. I only buried 3; I should have buried 4. Manly was looking much better and hardly panting. I milked Faye, and thought I would give it a try. So I dropper fed him 2 ounces! He has never taken that much, nor has he licked his lips when he did take some. This morning he nearly licked his face off trying to get to the milk!! So I don't know what is in store for the little guy, but I will keep feeding him every two hours and see what happens.

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