Sunday, March 01, 2009


I have been on full steam for all of February it seems, and now I am exhausted. This weekend didn't help me be rested either. I worked at the domestic violence shelter on Friday evening. I enjoy helping there and praying for the women, but it is always emotionally tiring. #1 played in a basketball tournament Thursday evening. The team hadn't won a game all season, so I expected it to be quick and painless. No. They won. So we advanced to the Saturday games. We ended up only having to do one of those, but it was close. We weren't "Parents of the Year" because we really weren't rooting for them to win. Yes, it would have been great for the team, and our son, but we were tired. I went to the store 3 times over the weekend. I haven't done a real grocery store run since before Christmas, so we were really low. I had found some good coupon deals, and I just ran with it. That meant shopping at 10:00 pm though, and then the next morning at 7:00. As I left for the store, I looked in on one of the goats and thought she might be going into labor. I went to the store, ran home to unload, and headed out to the game. Then we went to lunch and another store run. Then my aunt and uncle came from Charlotte to visit, and I spent a few hours with them. I went out to feed the animals only to discover that the goat was in labor and the kid was stuck. I got my hand inside her and hooked the second hoof. I could feel the mouth and knew it wasn't breach, so we tried to pull. Finally Hubby and my uncle pulled from both ends of her and yanked the kid from her body. It was physically and emotionally exhausting. The baby was stillborn, and the mother is having trouble standing. I gave her penicillin and a vacination today. Then I came inside after the birth, and read that a friend had given birth in Winston-Salem, and the baby has a genetic defect that is horrible. This after they lost another baby last spring. Please pray for Jonah Williams and his parents, Matt and Patrice. We visited a couple of people from church this afternoon. One is pregnant and on complete bedrest. The other is in his nineties and can't get around well. Tomorrow our prayer group meets for a prayer of adoration. Tomorrow I will praise my Father, but today I lament the pain and despair that so many are feeling.

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