Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Crazy Chickens

Last week, I went out to the shed and found some fresh droppings on the floor. We keep our deep freezer out there, so I go out often. There is a hole in the wall that I imagine used to be for a stove pipe. I thought a bird must have flown in through there and made a mess. A couple of days later, I was out there again and noticed a new mess. I thought that was odd, but went on to the freezer. When I turned around I saw a chicken in the corner raise up her head. She was sitting in a Rubbermaid tub, looking very sleepy. I shooed her out of there and saw that she was sitting on 4 eggs. That means she was in there at least 4 days without food or water. I couldn't believe she had lasted that long and was able to lay eggs at the same time. Crazy Chicken...I guess she got in when #2 left the door open several days earlier. ---------- I went to a homeschoolers' support group last night. One of the moms shared her experience with her daughter over the last couple of years. They have struggled with teen angst, depression, OCD, and other psychological problems. The mom was having trouble dealing with not being a perfect mom or a perfect home schooler. Thank goodness none of us has to be perfect. I mess up all of the time. I lose my temper, say hurtful things, forget to do things, act selfishly, lie, think hateful thoughts, and more. I have kids who do the same. Christ rose for a reason. Thank God that he did! Perfection will come with His return.

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