Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Friday I went to the opthomalogist. It was to be the check up visit on my cataract. I saw many people from the staff, and had abundance of eye drops to numb my eye. Now why would you need to numb my eye unless you are going to do something that hurts, right? One of the staff commented that I seemed nervous. I told him I HATE the eye doctor. I would rather go to the dentist any day. I think this stems from a doctor I had as a kid who told me I would eventually go blind.I guess every time I go to see an eye doctor I am expecting him to tell me my days are numbered. That's disconcerting to say the least. Anyway, the tests were not horrible, not wonderful either though, and the results were fair. I have scar tissue on my retina that causes some blind spots in my left peripheral vision. So far it isn't a danger. The cataract is small and inconsequential. My burning dry eyes may be helped by some OTC drops. So all-in-all it was good news. Yesterday was another kind of test. The boys started their final exams. There are 76 home schooled children testing together this week, so my boys thought it was great. I hope #1 did well since I was told he finished every test waaay before everyone else. I reassured him afterward that he really isn't that much smarter than everyone else and should be taking longer on the tests. Real moral support, I know. I was proctoring the Kindergarten kids' tests. It was a test for me as well. Not only was there a behavior problem that sent me to the "Mean Monster" edge, but I disagreed with the test on a lot of things. I think it was definitely skewed toward public schoolers, but it also had some ambiguous questions that I didn't know the answer to! One was about a girl carrying something in her lap while the family moved, and I have put all three of the options in the car when we have moved! Another was about what a kid would pull out of his pocket at the end of a day at the beach, and there were two correct answers! I get this way every time I proctor this test, so I wonder if testing might be a route for me to try in grad school. My mother-in-law was having a test yesterday in patience and perseverance. Her mother was to go into assisted living at 10:00 a.m. and she refused to go. They spent the whole day trying to get her to leave her house, but she wasn't budging. Finally her old pastor came and reverse psychologized her into going to look at the home. So last night was her first night in the new place. I hope it went well, for her sake as well as the daughters' sakes. Today after testing we go to a retirement village to interview former 4-Hers. That will be a test too since our kids don't always speak loudly. It should be an interesting interview though. One of the ladies was in 4-H 76 years ago! But before we get there we have to put up with the other tests. Wish us luck.

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