Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hi Mom!

This post is for my mom and anyone else who is wondering how the house is going. I guess it is true that a picture says a thousand words, because whatever I was saying wasn't working. Hope the pictures make sense.This is what the hallway looked like as they cut the hole in the ceiling for the stairwell. It was so dusty you couldn't even see the guy cutting the hole! There was a lot to clean up after that! Now, wonder of wonders, he is coming back today to cut some more. The hole wasn't large enough to have the mandatory 6'6" head clearance. I wouldn't worry about it too much, except that #1 is supposed to be 6'3"-6'4" and I think that may happen while he still lives at home.
This shows the hole above where the closet was, and the hole where the pull down stairs to the attic was. Below are the stairs in progress. They are covered with old wood from the shed we tore down. I think once the floor is laid upstairs, then the real wood on the stairs goes down. Or I could be completely wrong about that. I don't understand a lot of what gets said around my house these days.
The stairs begin between our bedroom and the kitchen doorways. This is the scene from the sunroom (backdoor) and then going up the stairs.This what you walk into at the top of the steps. Right now you can see all the way across the "family room" into "#1's bedroom." After the floor is laid next week, we will put up the walls to separate rooms. The family room will be an "L" shape going to the left of the picture. There will be a closet on the right where you can see some of the wood for the floor sticking out.This is the view looking out of #1's bedroom into the family room and down the stairs. You can also see the rest of the family room, and behind the stairs will be #2's bedroom. He will have a large closet backing up to the family room closet on the left where the wood is. Each boys' room is about 12x15 ft, and the family room is about 21x15 ft, but taking out some for the stairs and closet. (Remember the "L" shape.)These are called "knee walls" and are about 4ft tall. Behind them will be storage. That will give me more storage than I had when we used the attic for storage! We had plywood down on part of the attic, but there wasn't much. There will be doors to this area in each of the boys' rooms and also one in the family room. Lights are being put in the area as well, so it should be a nice storage area for us. I also have a feeling that some boys are going to hide in there!
Below is the new heating and cooling system that went in earlier this week. It is in the corner behind #2's bedroom, and runs the length of the wall going down the side where the closets will be. I can still use this for storage, but I probably won't.
This is another view of #2's bedroom. There will be a window where the blue tarp is. It was an air vent before. The wood was VERY rotten. #2 is looking forward to growing plants in his room. I think we will limit it to a window box here. He also has ideas of climbing out the window and jumping off the back porch roof. I don't think so!
So this is what has been taking up all of my brain power lately. It is exciting to see some progress after so long waiting. We are hoping by the end of May the rooms will be completely finished and the boys moved into them.
I was talking with a friend yesterday about her son giving her his trash and dirty plates. I agreed that I am also a trash can and a clock. One of my sons piped up, "And a dictionary!"
Yes, I am a dictionary. I was informed yesterday that my children have learned some colorful language. It was VERY colorful, and said at church no less. Aaahhh, preacher's kids. So I had a talk with the boys about what all of those words mean and why we don't use them. I had to cover a lot of ground, and I don't know that it all went into their heads. I am sure a good bit was over their heads. I handled it in a very non-threatening way full of calm thorough explanations.
Of course, the entire time I was sick on the inside that my babies knew these words. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach to tell them these things. I told Hubby later that we may as well tell them about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny because their innocence is lost. I am holding out there though, EB will be coming tomorrow and I like candy.
I really hope this dictionary can be put on the shelf for a while.

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