Sunday, April 05, 2009

Small is Better

Last week when I was judging 4-H books, one of the other judges read something that had her concerned. She read it aloud to us, "I go to a small church where there are about 20 members." She said something must be wrong with them that their church isn't bigger. Her church was started by 60 people just 4 years ago and now they have about 4,000 members. It struck a nerve with me. Our church is small, and we don't really seem to know why it is small, but we like it. Everyone seems happy. Today as I spoke with one kid, she told me how much she likes being at a small church. She likes that she knows everyone and everyone knows her. It makes her feel comfortable and special. I started thinking about the people that our church serves. We reach out to a lot of abused women. They feel comfortable at our church. People talk to them and make them feel like they matter. They would easily be overlooked and overwhelmed at a large church. We also seem to have some of society's outcasts at our church. People who have made some bad choices, but are now fully committed to Christ. In a large church it would be easy for their bad habits to go unnoticed and unquestioned, but we know to ask about these people and to help them get through the tough times. I also remember last fall visiting a friend's church that is quite large. I remember being disappointed in the worship as many chose not to join in the singing, because their voices weren't needed. The children weren't involved in the service as mine are. My children help with children's church, Scripture readings, passing communion, whatever. So although it could look poorly for the worldwide church if they were all small like ours, there is a place in the community for a small church. A place where people are ministered to and get to minister is still a church in every sense of the word. ----------- The play went well. #1 is looking forward to auditioning for the next one in the fall. I will post pictures soon. Several friends attended and agreed that the witch stole the show. She was quite good; wonderful witchy laugh. The in-laws headed back after church today. They enjoyed their visit, and as promised I didn't let their visit worry me a bit. I didn't even feed them lunch! Perhaps next time I will be a better hostess. Hubby is headed to a lectureship for a few days. This makes the third weekend in a row that one of us has been gone. I guess I should go somewhere next week! With Easter that week it isn't looking promising, but a camping trip to the beach has just got to be in my future soon!

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