Thursday, August 20, 2009


I know kids don't tie their shoes, but how can a grown man not keep his own shoes tied? It's hard to keep them tied when Mary is around. She likes to untie shoes for some reason.
This is one of my hens that is bigger than some roosters. She has even begun to grow a mane and a long tail like the roosters. She is still gentle when I pick her up to put her in the coop, but she sure is heavy.
This is Harry, our newest goat. He will be a week old tomorrow. He has probably been one of the fastest to ever leave the pen. He was a day old when I found him locked in the chicken coop. He wasn't too upset by it though. There aren't any other baby goats due for a few weeks, so he will be quite the bossy bully by the time they get here.
This is dinnertime. Sam tries to eat by himself, but Moe, the duck, rules the barnyard. He will eat even if he gets butted. The hen knows not to go near Moe, or he will turn into a goose and grab her by the backside!
I feel sorry for him since he doesn't have a mate, but that's no reason to be such a meanie.

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