Monday, August 17, 2009

Time Flies

It has been a short/long while since I last posted. I have been so busy that I hadn't noticed that I wasn't posting. Here are some highlights for my family; the rest of you probably don't care. The newest news is that #2 needs to get glasses. He has complained for a little over a month, but with the vacation I didn't schedule anything until we got back. This afternoon was his appointment, and he is definitely nearsighted. It is about as bad as his brother is after wearing glasses for two years! The doctor said don't wait two years again before another visit. As if I intentionally let my blind child walk around. Honestly! We have a new baby goat, Harry. He was born Friday afternoon. #2 hosted a party at the house on Friday evening. We had 11 kids here counting our own two. Rain was threatening, but thankfully held off. They played Capture the Flag, fought with sticks, lit fires, and ate hot dogs. Good times. I had a lovely breakfast with friends from church on Saturday. Then I went to see what school supply sales were on at Staples and ran into more friends from home school. I like being in a town long enough to have friends. The grass has been mown twice now since we have been back, and it actually needed it! I was afraid to wait any longer in case the tropical depressions in the Atlantic decide to drop a foot of rain on us. I even mowed the goat field, after the baby was born. I didn't put the old girl in labor! School is back in full force. I spent the weekend- yes, the entire weekend- writing lesson plans for the next month. It's exactly like being a public school teacher, the pay stinks for both of us. The tears about the new lessons didn't start until 11:10 a.m. Not bad. Of course #2 still isn't finished. He had a nice long walk (read he disappeared for a while) this afternoon. I start writing this evening after dinner. My first attempt will be an article on how to have a memorable, inexpensive family vacation. More fun posts coming soon.

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