Monday, August 03, 2009

Mount Rushmore

The kids and I walked on the dunes at the BadLands. My understanding was that we were going to the top of the hill and then coming down the same way. #2 had different ideas. We went up the narrow incline and then started heading over the edge. We scooted down the other side, and I managed to not fall on my bahookie. I was quite proud! The BadLands have a beauty, that is for sure, but it isn't the sustaining type that I desire. In other words, I wouldn't want to live there.
We camped out at a KOA outside of Mount Rushmore that night. My dear in-laws were good sports about it. Here M-I-L is "washing the dishes". It rained part of the time we were there, and evidently quite heavily before we got there. There were a lot of puddles to work around. The KOA had a lot of activities. It was a sort of resort. The boys enjoyed the water slide. They made friends with some other kids and slid down time and again. It was quite chilly, but that didn't stop them from having fun. They were able to play for an hour or so before we headed to Rushmore for the evening show.
We went to Mount Rushmore in the evening. There is a special lighting ceremony in the evening. We got there early enough to visit the exhibits and to walk around the base of the monument. Here we are looking up through a crevice to see the profile of George Washington. It is a most stunning thing to see. His eyes are 11 feet tall. I think the nose is 18 feet.
When you enter the monument arena you first walk through a tunnel of state flags. There is an amphitheater to sit in and wait for the ceremony. But the most impressive sight is the monument itself. I took video of the evening ceremony. Perhaps I will get time in a few weeks to publish that here. It was a beautiful ceremony. There was a movie about the four presidents that are portrayed in the sculpture, and then a Boy Scout troop lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. All of the veterans and current military were invited to come up on stage. Then another Boy Scout troop took down the flag and folded it. Each military personnel was invited to give their name and the branch of the military in which they served. There were a lot of people that had served, but each one was given the opportunity to speak. It was beautiful. Then the sculpture was lit up and everyone was free to go.
I spoke with a friend today and she told me that my readers are sad that I haven't been more faithful in my blogging. Let me just say, "I am POOPED!" We have a couple of days left, and then we head home. Today we made it most the way through Nebraska. Tomorrow we see the Hannibal, MO area. We have been listening to Tom Sawyer in the van to prepare for our time with Mark Twain. The night may be late, so don't expect more posts for a while. Sorry.


Melissa said...

We will forgive you for not posting more.

But, you didn't talk about that 'thing' you had for lunch in Nebraska! What was it, and how did you like it??

Melissa said...

We will forgive you, but we still want to hear all about the trip, in more detailed form. Didn't want to sound like you were off the hook for telling us about it once you are back home and somewhat rested!

By the way, no baby goats yet, but lots of eggs, some cherry tomatoes and a few new kitties in the barn...