Friday, August 28, 2009

Morning Has Broken

Morning comes to our home in mostly the same way it comes to yours. The sun creeps through the chinks in the curtains. Small sounds of people stirring can be heard. The dog needs let out. Cars begin passing on the road. And the animals make a lot of noise. What? No angry goats at your house? This is Sam. Sam is trying to follow his instincts and reproduce. We are trying to stop him.
I am fairly sure that all of the girls are pregnant, and I don't want Mary to get impregnated again so soon. So yesterday, we separated Sam from his herd of women.
I heard him this morning calling to them to let him out. I went outside, and he was standing on top of his house yelling, "Let me out!" at the top of his goaty lungs.
For some reason Emma is "flagging" him, so perhaps she isn't pregnant. If nothing has happened with her by next month, then he may get a conjugal visit for a while with one woman. For now, though, he will just have to watch longingly from a distance. And hopefully he loses his voice.
Goldie came to greet me this morning too. She is one of my oldest hens. I hatched her in an incubator from an egg the Extension Agent gave me. She still lays, though it looks like she is starting to molt. She has hatched a couple clutches of eggs herself over the years. Chickens don't hatch eggs much anymore. It has been bred out of them. Humans messing with God again. Sort of like putting a goat in a cage, I guess.
This is Luke. He is being run out of his home by some other kittens. I don't know where they came from, but they have taken over the barn. Luke won't go in the barn anymore if he can help it. I have to make sure he eats somewhere, or he gets very crazy with hunger. Sometimes he attacks when I go out with something.
The chickens love the early morning. Chickens like to wade through wet grass and look for bugs. They also don't like heat so much, so a cool morning with bugs and grass makes a happy hen.
Goats do not like to get wet, so they hang out in the chicken coop until the dew has dried. Harry was back in the coop, and Emma was "on the street corner" near Sam, so here are Faye, Madison, and Mary saying "Good Morning."
And then there is the scenery. More houses are going in. I suppose the builders are hoping that the economic downturn is starting to swing upward. All it does for me is add to the morning noises...hammers and men's voices. And the scenery...bright blue port-a-potties. Lovely.
Perhaps the neighbors enjoy looking out their back windows and seeing my little farm in the morning. Maybe they even like hearing roosters crow and goats calling to their lovers. I should probably charge an aethetics fee when they sell those houses. Hmm.

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