Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Brothers' Day

Yes, it was Brothers' Day on Sunday. About 8 years ago, our sweet sons realized that they were getting left out of the celebration with Mother and Father's Days, so they asked for a day of their own. Since then, we have celebrated the fourth Sunday of August as Brothers' Day. We had trouble deciding what to do this year. #1 is getting to the age that if it doesn't involve other kids, it isn't fun. So #2 decided what to do (bowling) and #1 decided where to eat.
Getting an acceptable picture of all three of my men at once is impossible. They'll regret it someday. It seems that #1 and his daddy are the family legends when it comes to bowling. We did use the bumpers, but it didn't seem to help me much.
We ate at Hubachi Grill. It is sushi, Chinese, and American all together on a big buffet. There is a Mongolian Grill style cooking area as well. I enjoyed trying some new things. Notice the little guy in the lower right corner...octopus. Chewy is all I have to say. The boys tried crawfish, but it wasn't much of a hit with them.
My boys are best friends, even if they do try to kill each other 29 times a day. They just ran through here laughing and tickling each other while yelling, "Happy Juice!" Goofy guys. I love them.

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