Thursday, August 27, 2009


Last night on the way to church we were talking about birthdays. There is a youth rally on Hubby's birthday, and we were wondering about #1 going to it. I said that this isn't a biggie birthday for Daddy anyway, so it would probably be ok. And then it hit me. There are two biggie birthdays after that, though. I will be 40, and my baby will be a teen-ager! 13!!! Yikes! That was harder to deal with than my being 40. We have stood behind him, and watched and encouraged all of his attempts, trying to be the parents that God would have us to be.
This sweet fruit of my womb has grown into a young man. He is bigger than I am, if I don't stand my tallest, and getting bigger by the day. I cut his hair this week and noticed that his jawline is changing. The baby face is disappearing, and a young man is emerging.
I still catch glimpses of the baby I knew. His lip still sticks out when he is thinking about something. He still wants to snuggle up for reassurance. And he still eats every 2 hours.
But changes are occuring. He is starting to sleep like a teenager, staying up later and then sleeping later. He wants to be with his friends more than with his parents. He is having mood swings, moments of frustration in which he doesn't seem to know what he wants.
He is challenging me to think of him as a teen instead of a youngster. I didn't know it would be so draining.
I know we are only at the beginning of another long road, but I think we are ready for him to start striking out on his own. May he take God along, too.

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