Sunday, August 09, 2009

Grand Tetons

We were really wearing down by this time, but we did manage to see a little of the Grand Tetons. I missed a beautiful photo op as we came closer to the park. We drove around a curve, and there was a beautiful blue lake with the Tetons rising up as if straight out of the water. I thought surely there would be other spots like it, so I kept driving. This was after spending the day looking at geysers and Old Faithful and wildfire exhibits, so I was pretty tired. We just did a quick drive through into the park and then headed back out to find a hotel. We had made reservations since most things are full on a summer Saturday night, but we had to drive a long way. It wouldn't have been so terribly far, but there was some major road construction and we were held captive for a couple of hours. That was the worst road construction we had the whole trip, so I suppose I can't complain. It is summer you know. This collage shows the Snake River cutting through the Tetons. The Tetons are so large that you can see them 150 miles away. Notice in the large upper right picture that the river has cut out a canyon into the plateau. From the plateau you go up to wooded hills, and then straight up out of that come the very rocky mountains.
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