Friday, April 09, 2010

Heading Out of Town

After Hubby read my last entry he told me this little tidbit. They were having dinner at Arby's on the last Guys' Night Out. #2 had ordered cheese sticks and was pulling them apart really far. A man walked by and said, "Very cheesy." After the guy was out of earshot, #1 said, "So was that joke." I leave this morning to go to Raleigh. I am helping to judge 4H Project Records this weekend. I did it last year for the first time and it definitely helped me to guide the boys this past year. My own two sons have 4 books to be judged at this level: Videography, Electricity, Plant Science, and 4H Discovery. I hope they do better this year now that I have more knowledge of what is expected. I am travelling with a friend to Raleigh and we are going a little early so that we can go to a used bookstore for home school curriculum. I am already starting to think about next year and what we should be doing. Crazy, I know. I did compute #1's Science grade yesterday for the 7th grade and he got a B: 81%. This is the first time that I have kept grades on either of the boys; in high school you have to keep grades for a transcript. He was happy with the grade; he hates science. His mother thought he could have done better, but she kept her mouth shut and congratulated him. Small steps. School will be out in about 3 weeks. WooHoo!!

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