Thursday, April 01, 2010

Spring...or Summer?

Summer is on its way. Spring is definitely here. The goats are going crazy. I made the mistake of letting them out now and then to feed on the new grass. Now they stand at the gate and try to slip out whenever I open it. The babies can get out under the fence and are always foraging. Now Sam has figured out he can jump over the fence with one big bound. That goat makes me insane! I put him in the kennel, and he has managed to get out of that. I just a few minutes ago tried putting him in another pen. We will see how that goes. I am about ready to put up barbed wire to keep everyone where they belong!
I had 18 chicks hatch in this last batch. That is 18 out of 18! Pretty good fertility statistics, if I do say so myself! I ended up with 9 male and 9 female. My dad was here visiting and he wanted some, so now I have only 9 male. I guess I will get some butchering practice in a few months. I have the next batch of 24 in the incubator now. They will be here on April 19th. I think that will be it for a while, but who knows.
My parents came down to watch the play over the weekend. There was nice weather, though nothing as hot as what we are having now. My dad and #1 took a bike ride. My mom did too, but I didn't get a picture of that. Too bad. It was funny to see her short self try to get off my tall bike! It was a nice visit with them. We worked, played, and visited...always good.

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