Saturday, June 03, 2006

I think my babies are starting to get homesick. I am starting to get phone calls "just to check in". Yesterday, the 7 year old had to call and tell me about his "plans". He had Pap write down a list for him of all of the things he needs for his plans. Included on the list were stink bombs, cigar lighter, and screwdriver, among other things. Then when we go to DC this fall with 4H, he and several other boys are going to crawl through the vents and let off stink bombs in the girls' rooms. Completely boy! Today we had a yard sale to raise money for the DC trip. The rain came down and the floods came up, but the sale did fine. We certainly would have done better with some sunshine, but we did well considering. Of course there is the new way to have a yard sale- on-line - so we may still make some more money. I am not sure how much we made and how much we actually sold to ourselves, but it was fun. I was very pleased with the way the kids tried to help, walked customers to their cars with umbrellas, helped with the bake sale...They are great kids.

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