Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The kids attend an after school art class on Mondays at the local university. This week they were to listen to music and draw the way the music made them feel. One of the songs was "I fought the Law". #2 thought it was a great song, but he misunderstood it to say, "I fought the dog and the dog won." I imagine that could be a good song too. _______________ I went to see Amazing Grace yesterday. It is a very good movie about the politics behind the abolition of slavery in Britain. It is like unto a documentary, so not something you want to go to on the only date you get every year, but a good, thought provoking movie if you get out more often. I will say again, my study of slavery amazes me. The faith in God that the slaves had, a faith given by their masters, is unreal. I do not think I would serve a God that says the evil I am experiencing is ok. Which brings me to women in the Middle East. I would have a hard time serving the God of the Koran. I love the Lord of the Bible who says all people are equal and special. None are to be treated poorly because they are weaker, but are to be treated better for their weakness. May the Lord bring peace and justice to the world soon.

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