Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yesterday several of the 4H families came over to help us with our Backyard Habitat. It was an old-fashioned work party. We dug on the pond, moved dirt to flowerbeds and the garden, planted seeds, and transplanted flowers. We talked, visited, played, and had a great time. I made lunch for the workers, and that was about it. So many of them thanked me for all I had done. Thank you for inviting us. Thank you, this was fun. Thank you, when can we do it again? It is certainly true that many hands make light work, but I think it is also true that many hands make light hearts. ___________ It is surprising how much a chair can change a room. My husband's new chair has transformed his room into a little haven. I am afraid he doesn't get to enjoy it enough--the rest of us keep taking over. Perhaps this weekend he will enjoy it; the college is on spring break.

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