Friday, April 20, 2007

Except for running to the chiropractor early yesterday, we stayed home all day. I have to say it wasn't much fun, but I got a lot done and my life will be better today because of it. I have noticed that my older son can't stand to be home and have no one to go see or nothing to go do. I am afraid he gets that from me. I don't like to stay put. BUT after I am "put" for a while and see how much more I can accomplish, I don't want to go anywhere. This I also see in my son. I hope he doesn't pick up any BAD habits from his dear old mom. Spring lasts a long time in Eastern Carolina. Trees have been getting buds and leaves for a month or more, and some are still bare. Flowering trees start with red bud, then Bradford pear, then peach, dogwood, cherry, and azalea. Spring can last for a couple of months here, along with the pollen, but in Texas it lasted about 2 weeks, tops. I like this much better.

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