Tuesday, April 03, 2007

You're probably wondering what happened to the daily blogger. Well, I hurt my back and couldn't stand to be in the chair for long. Monday a week ago, I was lifting a load of wet laundry and felt something pop. By that afternoon I knew I was hurt. I figured it would heal after a couple of days, but instead it continued to worsen. Finally Sunday night I was having waves of nausea from the pain, so I thought it was time to go to the doctor. He gave me 3 different meds and I am finally starting to improve. I know I am improving because I finally tried to clean some house today. Boy, one week off and this place is a disaster!! The boys are testing this week with our homeschool group. The state requires standardized tests each year. My kids actually look forward to it because we test as a group. The moms bring snacks and there is play time involved as well. It means no book work too, always a plus. They feel confident about the tests, and so far say they have been taught everything on the test, so hopefully they are doing well. At least there aren't any races between the boys and girls this year! Last year, #1's group was racing to see who would finish first, boys or girls.

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