Monday, April 16, 2007

We put the piano in the dining room. It took 3 young men and my husband to move it. Very heavy from what I gathered. There really wasn't much of an option of where to put it. The hall was a viable option, but the lighting is very poor in there. The living room perhaps could have worked, but the dining room seemed best to me. The kids see it all of the time, walk past it, etc. so I think it will help to improve practice time. The piano I had as a child was in the spare room and didn't promote practice. #2 is thrilled because now he can play music at his cafe when he serves his "customers." My husband sees the piano and its placement as my continuing plot to get rid of him. Guess I better start being more subtle. ________ You know, when a woman is in her early twenties and she says to her husband that she is going to take a shower, somehow, he gets to the shower before her. When a woman is in her late-middle thirties and she tells her husband that she is taking a shower, she is asked to wait until the show is over. You know the world has headed south at that point. (Maybe that is why I got the piano!!)

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