Monday, April 09, 2007

I do not think like my husband. Last night he tried to give me some tips to a Sudoku puzzle that #2 had received for Easter. I tried to follow where he was leading, but it gave me a headache. I think "what fits?"; he thinks, "what doesn't fit?". I look at one box at a time, maybe a row; he looks at three boxes and columns at once. This isn't a new problem. He reads lots of books at one time; I focus on one. This sounds like he is a man who can multi-task and I am a woman who cannot. That is not true. I keep many balls in the air; he collapses from stress when too much is going on. He is a different thinker than I am, that is all. But last night's "teaching session" helped me remember that I need to try different ways to teach the boys. They may not be as normal as their mother! ;>)

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